The crowd of about 700 watched a lone figure climb to the top of a fire truck ladder hoisted high above Oceanshore Boulevard across from the pier, high above the roofs of the tallest buildings, then cheered as she strung a gay pride flag to a cable hanging from its apex. The American flag followed.As dusk fell June 17, candlelight flickered across hundreds of downturned faces as people gathered on the beach with lit candles in a moment of silent recognition of the 49 people killed by a gunman at the Pulse gay nightclub in Orlando.For a few hours June 17, Flagler Beach was a place for LGBT people and those who care about them and about the Pulse victims to gather among friends and mourn — a safe haven in a world that felt more dangerous than ever since the June 12 shooting, attendees said.

Source: Hundreds crowd Flagler Beach to honor Pulse shooting victims | Palm Coast | Palm Coast Observer
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